Earlier this month the Applewood Coyotes sent two teams to the Neil Barker/Jayden Elmore Tournament in London. If you are looking for a well run House League tournament, this has to be it. Competitive, well matched teams with a heavy presence from the great hockey towns of London and Kitchener. A great challenge and very much winnable, at a stretch, as our Atom White and M Bantam White teams prooved.

Our M Bantam Coyotes had a strong showing in their 1st round games to take a place in the quarter finals, the only MHL team in their division to do so. Winning their quarter final on the exhibition ice they moved to the semis where alas they lost to the team that took the chanmpionship later that afternoon.

Our Atom Coyotes blasted through their 1st round games earning themselves a top slot and an automatic qualification to the semi finals. 8am Sunday they were well rested and hungry for the challenge which they took and won the game. The afternoon's final was so close, overtime couldn't generate a winner so it was left to a shoot out. Alas our Coyotes dropped a goal and had to settle for silver, but boy did those players make their coaches and parents proud!

Congratulations to the terrific players, their coaches Myke McCandless (M Bantam) and Dwayne O'Leary (Atom). We'll be looking out for your teams next time!
Way to go Coyotes!!